Prior to the launch of Discover Daily, unboxd was the online source for Verizon promos and device launches. The purpose of this tool was to display available products and services for sales reps to use while interacting with Verizon guests in stores. It was functional, however had limited flexibility and design capability; therefore, we later replaced it with Discover Daily March of 2021.
what i did...
On a daily basis my role was to ensure the accuracy of this tool. I designed and/or chose images from a digital library for each promotion and I updated the stackability calculator to highlight promotions that linked together. Ultimately, I later used my experience working with unboxd both on the sales rep side and on the corporate design side to help develop Discover Daily so that it conserved the benefits of unboxd while also adding features and improving usability.
Utilized: Adobe Photoshop + duda
Here you will find screenshots of webpages that house promos and other tools on unboxd. This site was developed on a website management tool called duda to be utilized predominantly on mobile devices.
(Left) are various pages displayed within this site. Each tile contains promo details that expand in a drop down view once tapped.